Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 26 8 hours

7:30-8:10 AM Read and answered work emails, turned on computers, logged onto computers for students use, worked on scheduling of classes for 2nd semester.

8:10-8:50 Books are collected by the 4th graders, a volunteer parent and the library clerk from all the classrooms. We check them in and divide them into there appropriate shelving categories of fiction, nonfiction, periodicals, video, and everybody. Shelving the books according to call number and display of books for appropriate season, holiday, etc. Kindergarten and first grade reports are run and printed. Class roster for 3rd grade is retrieved and activotes are assigned to students in alphabetical number order. New name cards with activote numbers on.

8:50-9:00 AM Preparation for classes begins with the placement of student name cards on the tables. Activevotes are prepared, activeInspire software is activated and Perfect Pet flip chart is opened on the laptop.

9:00-9:30 AM I read Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop to the kindergarten students and we discussed that this monkey in the story is not a real monkey. Fiction books are make believe and therefore we do not necessarily learn facts from fiction books. We also read a non fiction monkey book and discussed the facts contained in that book along with the helpful parts of a nonfiction book that help us find the information we need easily, Table of contents, glossary, and index. The library book return report was read to the children and those allowed to take out books went to look at books and those who did not return their books sat at the round table and looked at books there.

9:30-10:00 AM I read Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop to the kindergarten students and we discussed that this monkey in the story is not a real monkey. Fiction books are make believe and therefore we do not necessarily learn facts from fiction books. We also read a non fiction monkey book and discussed the facts contained in that book along with the helpful parts of a nonfiction book that help us find the information we need easily, Table of contents, glossary, and index. The library book return report was read to the children and those allowed to take out books went to look at books and those who did not return their books sat at the round table and looked at books there.

10:00-10:30 Today was my 3rd and final evaluation for the year. Mrs. Nelson, the principal sat in on the entire class. The third graders were introduced to the activevotes and assigned one each. They were very excited to use this new technology. WE discuss the importance of handling them with care and how I would know who answered each question because they were assigned the number. We did a brief review of pet needs and owner wants for their pets and the type of lifestyle Mrs. Nelson has. I projected the flipchart with the questions on pet needs, owner wants and Mrs. Nelson's lifestyle consideration s for selecting the perfect pet for her.
As the students answered with the activotes I pasted their answers into the flipchart so I can go back and look at the results at a later time. They were thrilled to see their corresponding number light up when they answered. I distributed the worksheets and we talked about the books they were to use for their research, the information they need to obtain and how to cite their sources. I walked around and answered questions as they found the facts. I had to steer many of them away from monkeys and such.

10:30-11:00 I cleaned up from the morning classes and reviewed the results from the activotes. There were 3 children that consistently got the answers wrong out of 20 students. I will report this information to their teacher and try to figure out what happened.

11:00-11:45 The 4th and 5th grade Battle of the Books team discussed books in the library. Each child was given a laptop and we discussed the books and each child wrote 5 questions about a book. Some of them needed a lot of coaching on how to write questions. They like using the laptops for this.

11:45-12:15 I went over the 2nd semester schedule again and tried to accommodate 2 teachers who do not want their classes at the proposed time.

12:15-12:55 Second grade is learning about monkeys and learning how to take notes from reliable websites. We read the book Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop and discussed the situations Curious George got himself into and how he is not a real monkey. The students stated that real monkeys are not allow in stores. We talked about how this book is fiction and therefore does not contain facts about monkeys. We then discussed other sources we could use to find facts monkeys. I handed out the Super 3 Plan, Do, Review Thinking Web: p. 55 Super 3 Information Skills for Young Learners and we began looking at websites to fill in the bubbles on notes about monkeys. I projected the websites on the Promethean board. We went to (video)http://www.bronxzoo.com/plan-your-trip/exhibits/monkey-house.asp, http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-monkey.html, http://www.enchantedlearning.com. We wrote down 1-2 facts about monkeys from each page only writing notes and not complete sentences in our own words.

12:55-1:25 First grade Read Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop to the kindergarten students and we discussed that this monkey in the story is not a real monkey. Fiction books are make believe and therefore we do not necessarily learn facts from fiction books. We also read a non fiction monkey book and discussed the facts contained in that book along with the helpful parts of a nonfiction book that help us find the information we need easily, Table of contents, glossary, and index. We talked about the ice cream shop and how the ceiling is help up. We discuss other building and how they are made. We discussed how architects had to plan, and do research and then review it to make sure it is right before they could build the structure. I gave the students dixie cups and paper and had them "build" floors for a sky scraper with the students at their table. One table immediately started putting the cups on the 4 corners of the paper and placed another piece of paper on top then repeated the cups and paper until they had 4 floors to a "building". The other teams began catching on and creating their own buildings. The library book return report was read to the children and those allowed to take out books went to look at books and those who did not return their books sat at the round table and looked at books there.

1:25-1:50 I assisted children find books at open book check and checked out books.

1:50-2:20 Second grade is learning about monkeys and learning how to take notes from reliable websites. We read the book Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop and discussed the situations Curious George got himself into and how he is not a real monkey. The students stated that real monkeys are not allow in stores. We talked about how this book is fiction and therefore does not contain facts about monkeys. We then discussed other sources we could use to find facts monkeys. I handed out the Super 3 Plan, Do, Review Thinking Web: p. 55 Super 3 Information Skills for Young Learners and we began looking at websites to fill in the bubbles on notes about monkeys. I projected the websites on the Promethean board. We went to (video)http://www.bronxzoo.com/plan-your-trip/exhibits/monkey-house.asp, http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-monkey.html, http://www.enchantedlearning.com. We wrote down 1-2 facts about monkeys from each page only writing notes and not complete sentences in our own words.

2:20-2:55 Planning time was occupied with more scheduling problems. I also went through magazines and tore out inappropriate materials.

3:10-4:00 I wrote more questions for the Battle of the Books book Thimble Summer and printed.

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