Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pre Write Practicum Elementary

Since I have never worked in a library, I have never even shelved books as a volunteer in a library, I can only imagine all the responsibility that is involved. The library at my previous school of employment has gone through some great changes over the past 10 years. I often wonder why she has so many volunteers in there when she doesn’t even have to give grades, assignments, tests etc. What is all the work about? I have often wanted to combine the library and computer lab as I feel they should coexist as books are a great source of reference and often times it is easier for the students to find the necessary information in a book if unsuccessful on the computer. How many times have I sent a child in there to interrupt her? I hope that doesn’t come back to me.

I see the library media job as having many, many facets. There is so much I do not know about the behind the scene activities. My questions are many, do I have to be familiar with all the books? How well do I have to know the library and the Dewey decimal system? I know I will eventually become familiar with it all but how badly will not knowing it impact my ability to do my job? Where do those books come from and how do they know what to purchase? Where does the funding come from? There are crayons, scissors, glue and other art supplies in the library. I guess I will be using those with the students. But when?, won’t we be using the computers for our lessons?

I think that I will mainly be reading to the children and be making books fun. The job surely will entail all the workings of the reading contests, clubs, and competitions. I have seen a lot of BOB in the library, what is it? I know there will be a lot of shelving and book checkout.

I hope I will get to teach using the computers and laptops. Since there is a Promethean board in the library along with 9 brand new iMacs, document cameras, and 2 COWS, I am guessing I will have a lot of access to technology. The school has a computer person, she is not a teacher but she takes care of the lab so I shouldn't’t have to worry about technical difficulties, that is her job. Since the teachers take their classes to the computer lab weekly the students’ computer skills are probably very good. I am concerned about having to take the time to pull out the laptops often however, it will probably become habit after a while.

The previous librarian was very set on flexible scheduling which I could see as a dream come true in a perfect world. However dealing with all those teacher’s schedules cannot be easy. I think I would rather have a set schedule and then move into a flexible one, if possible. How does one keep track of what has been taught to whom?

This school district has the curriculum lessons, matched with standards on a flash drive organized by grade, month, and week order. This will be very helpful in meeting the state standards for information literacy.

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