Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010 8.5 hours

7:30-8:00 AM Collect mail, unlock doors, log onto computers. Complete more paper work for prior approval from human resources. Check email and reply. Log onto and open all necessary programs for classes.

8:00-9:00 Book collection and run reports, shelf books, prepare for classes. Put out name cards for first grade. Go to 4th grade to talk to student who last checked two books that have water damage. Unpack new books and begin labeling for circulation.

9:00-9:30 I read Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop to the kindergarten students and we discussed that this monkey in the story is not a real monkey. Fiction books are make believe and therefore we do not necessarily learn facts from fiction books. We also read a non fiction monkey book and discussed the facts contained in that book along with the helpful parts of a nonfiction book that help us find the information we need easily, Table of contents, glossary, and index. The library book return report was read to the children and those allowed to take out books went to look at books and those who did not return their books sat at the round table and looked at books there.

9:30-10:00 First grade class discuss Curious George story from yesterday and review fiction vs. non fiction. Show PowerPoint on facts on real monkeys. Allow students to show where monkeys are native on atlas. Discuss real monkey similarities and differences to people. Chart differences and similarities using a Venn diagram on the dry erase board. Introduce the monkey puppet with cut out page and brown paper lunch bag. Go over directions for coloring face parts, cutting on the dotted line and pasting only on the word “paste” on each piece. Walk around the room and assist where needed. Jacob is leaving tomorrow and was not very cooperative in class. He had to sit out for a while and then when he was able to participate without disrupting the class he was invited back to make his puppet.

10:00-10:30 Third grade reviewed the notes from last class on “Mrs. Nelson’s perfect pet” . They used the laptop computers to add more information to their “Mrs. Nelson’s perfect pet” information sheet. They recorded the name of the websites I recommended using and collected information on food, sleep, exercise, toys. I also informed them to write down any other facts they learn about the pet that will help us decide on the right pet for Mrs. Nelson and her family.

10:30-11:15 Second grade is learning about monkeys and learning how to take notes from reliable websites. We read the book Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop and discussed the situations Curious George got himself into and how he is not a real monkey. The students stated that real monkeys are not allow in stores. We talked about how this book is fiction and therefore does not contain facts about monkeys. We then discussed other sources we could use to find facts monkeys. I handed out the Super 3 Plan, Do, Review Thinking Web: p. 55 Super 3 Information Skills for Young Learners and we began looking at websites to fill in the bubbles on notes about monkeys. I projected the websites on the Promethean board. We went to (video)http://www.bronxzoo.com/plan-your-trip/exhibits/monkey-house.asp, http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-monkey.html, http://www.enchantedlearning.com. We wrote down 1-2 facts about monkeys from each page only writing notes and not complete sentences in our own words.

11:15-12:00 4th grade child who won the iMovie certificate at the fall festival comes in to learn how to use the software. I teach him photobooth and he watches tutorials on iMovie. I have him start planning his movie.

12:00-12:30 Post evaluation meeting with the principal. We discuss the good and the bad of the lesson I taught. We discuss how we can improve technology in the school. I explain I feel I could be doing so much more with the students. That the lessons in the curriculum are not hitting the mark and that by incorporating more technology the students would greatly benefit from lessons that have information standards, technology standards and core curriculum standards.

12:30-1:20 Read emails and reply. Go over book order. Add more high level high reader books. Go over play away list and find books in our collection that match the playaways. Review DVD list to teacher’s needs and curriculum. Talk to 4th grader again about water damaged books as another one is found in the collection that was last checked out to her. Go through damaged book stack and add those that are still in publication to purchase list.

1:20-1:50- First grade class discuss Curious George story from yesterday and review fiction vs. non fiction. Show PowerPoint on facts on real monkeys. Allow students to show where monkeys are native on atlas. Discuss real monkey similarities and differences to people. Chart differences and similarities using a Venn diagram on the dry erase board. Introduce the monkey puppet with cut out page and brown paper lunch bag. Go over directions for coloring face parts, cutting on the dotted line and pasting only on the word “paste” on each piece. Walk around the room and assist where needed. Jacob is leaving tomorrow and was not very cooperative in class. He had to sit out for a while and then when he was able to participate without disrupting the class he was invited back to make his puppet.

1:50-2:20 Second grade is learning about monkeys and learning how to take notes from reliable websites. We read the book Curious George Goes to the Ice Cream Shop and discussed the situations Curious George got himself into and how he is not a real monkey. The students stated that real monkeys are not allow in stores. We talked about how this book is fiction and therefore does not contain facts about monkeys. We then discussed other sources we could use to find facts monkeys. I handed out the Super 3 Plan, Do, Review Thinking Web: p. 55 Super 3 Information Skills for Young Learners and we began looking at websites to fill in the bubbles on notes about monkeys. I projected the websites on the Promethean board. We went to (video)http://www.bronxzoo.com/plan-your-trip/exhibits/monkey-house.asp, http://www.sandiegozoo.org/animalbytes/t-monkey.html, http://www.enchantedlearning.com. We wrote down 1-2 facts about monkeys from each page only writing notes and not complete sentences in our own words.

2:20-4:00 Beginning filling out 17 page post evaluation rubric. Find survey questions for teacher requests for collection purchases. Go through DVD and VHS for replacement materials. Read emails and reply.

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