Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prewrite for secondary practicum

In a high school library I believe there is less contact with students as a class and more one on one activity. The librarian helps more with technical issues and helping students find the proper resources. He probably introduces freshman to the workings of the library in the beginning of the year, but after that works with classes only for special research projects.

There is not a set schedule of classes so the day is far more flexible which could pose a big problem. I fear there is a great deal of behind the scenes duties and less teaching. Allotting time to get everything done is also going to be a major task. Since the collection is so much larger than an elementary school greater time will be dedicated to book selection. With more books comes the responsibility of more time being given to processing and the repair of books.

Shelving of the books is going to take a large chunk of the day and I doubt there are many parent volunteers to help. Although with a full time assistant it may be more her job. The circulation has got to be huge with over 2,000 students so I imagine it is just a constant cycle throughout the day. Maybe students help with shelving?

The high school librarian has to do a lot of locating resources for the teachers as their class loads are heavy and the library is large. He probably spends as much time helping and working with teachers as she does with the students. Also there has got to be a lot of paper work like creating manuals and keeping track of the library statistics. High school students are much more self sufficient than elementary so the librarian needs to keep in constant circulation to be available to those who do need help and to make sure they are following proper citation and research procedure, not actually teaching classes on how to do it.

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