Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friday, July 9, Bradford High School

7:30-8:00 Prepared website resource list for Greek mythology research.
8:00-8:30 Troubleshooting as to why none of the library computers could get on the Internet. Had to restart routers and computers. Assisted 9th graders logging on and completing research for Greek mythology.
8:30-9:00 Checked in and shelved books.
9:00-9:30 Assisted 10th graders with logging on and finding research resourced for various topics.
9:30-10:00 Checked in and shelved books
10:00-10:30 Prepared new books for shelving.
10:30-11:00 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.
11:00-11:30 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.
11:30-12:00 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.
12:00-12:30 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.

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