Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Compare Elementary to Secondary Experience

The secondary librarians spend far less time with the students than at the elementary level. Middle and high school students are more independent learners and use the library more as an extension of the core curriculum than a class. With the collections on this level being far greater, up to twice then the elementary, there is far greater library maintenance required. It was good to experience the tasks that my clerk often does and I wonder about. Knowing how to repair books, process books and periodicals and such are helpful.

Ninth graders use the library the most in the high schools but the usage in the middle was pretty shared across the board at the middle and elementary levels. However only elementary had scheduled classes whereas the middle and high had flex scheduling. At times the middle and high libraries will have 5 classes using the space at the same time.

Middle and high school teachers are more likely to send their students to google then elementary. In elementary there is a far great push to use reliable sources for research than google. Since students are expected to know the research skills by middle school far less time is spent teaching them and more emphasis is put on doing the actual research.

Book lists are very important in the high schools as there are never enough computers for all the students using the library. With so many classes in at the same time it makes sense for the students to use hard copy of the online book lists. The librarians at the high school level have worked long and hard with the core teachers to create these book lists that work with the curriculum. By keeping them attached to the lesson plans they have collaborated on students are easily able to gather their required reading materials.

The elementary students require far more attention and hands on assistance. Much of the librarians job has to do with teaching how to use: the library, research tools, technology, and book design.

With far greater size of patrons and teachers it is much more difficult getting to know all the teachers in the middle and high school levels.

Post Secondary Experience

The secondary experience has entailed behind the scence activities such as periodical preparation, creating book lists, collecting books and shelving. There is less hands on with the students and less teaching as they are more independent at this level. The students behavior is a big issue in the middle school and takes away from the learning experience. Finding ways to motivate the students to read and not openly defy the teacher takes thought and preparation. Understanding where this age group is in development and social skills must come into play to keep them on task and learning.

Secondary libraries are much larger than elementary and require a great deal of time to become familiar with the collection. Although I am familiar with some of the authors, as they do house adult literature, I found myself having to use the OPAC a lot in order to help students. Getting to know the physical layout of each library was a challenge as well as they were all different reflecting the individual tastes of the librarians who set them up. The age of the buildings also had an effect on the layout, technology and collection. Although Kenosha has a format to how the books are cataloged, individual librarians can personalize their collections to their student body and personal preferences.

Towards the end of this practicum I felt I could be a great asset to a secondary library as I felt I was able to grab and hold the students' attention better than the regular librarian. This maybe due to the novelty of new person, or that I was attempting to relate the information to their age group. I found they love to listen to stories and I tried to give the lessons in a story telling way by relating the subject to an experience of mine.

I so wish I had just opened up a book and started reading it to a group of 7th grade girls who I was trying to help find a book to read for pleasure. They were loud and trying to be disruptive. I thought by sitting with them and talking about books I could stir their interest. They did quiet down and talk with me, but I feel I missed a golden opportunity to turn them on to reading if I just would have opened that book and read from it instead of trying to talk them into it.

Monday, July 12, 2010, Bradford High School

7:30-8:00 Check in and shelve books. Review school policies on student behavior, check library circulation for over due books.
8:00-8:30 Go to classrooms to retrieve overdue books.
8:30-9:00 Enter data into book lists for high schools according to genre.
9:00-9:30 Assist 9th grade students working on Mythology research, word processing and printing.
9:30-10:00 Assist 9th grade students working on login problems, Mythology research, word processing and printing. Assist 10th grade students on login problems, research, word processing and printing.
10:00-10:30 Assist 10th grade students on research, word processing and printing.
10:30-11:00 Check in and out books, shelving.
11:00-11:30 Enter data into book lists for high schools according to genre.
11:30-12:00 Go to classrooms to retrieve overdue books.
12:00-12:30 Process periodicals for shelving.

Friday, July 9, Bradford High School

7:30-8:00 Prepared website resource list for Greek mythology research.
8:00-8:30 Troubleshooting as to why none of the library computers could get on the Internet. Had to restart routers and computers. Assisted 9th graders logging on and completing research for Greek mythology.
8:30-9:00 Checked in and shelved books.
9:00-9:30 Assisted 10th graders with logging on and finding research resourced for various topics.
9:30-10:00 Checked in and shelved books
10:00-10:30 Prepared new books for shelving.
10:30-11:00 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.
11:00-11:30 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.
11:30-12:00 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.
12:00-12:30 Worked on entering in book lists for core subject areas into OPAC system in public folder.

Thursday, July 8, 2010 Mahone Middle School

7:30-8:00 Prepared websites for 7th grade constitution research.
8:00-8:30 Found books on the constitution and court cases. Made copies of exhibit evidence.
8:30-9:00 6th grade read from dirty jobs book. Went online to discovery channel and watched videos on dirtiest jobs. Help find books and check out.
9:00-9:30 Gave 7th talk on rights and what the constitution means in the US compared to other countries. Read a mock trial and gave out evidence exhibits to determine the verdict. Discussed.
9:30-10:00 Assisted 7th grade with online research and finding books for constitution.
10:00-10:30 8th graded discussed going green and alternative forms of renewable energy. Gave book talks on the various books in the library. Assisted finding books for research and checked out.
10:30-11:00 6th grade read from dirty jobs book. Went online to discovery channel and watched videos on dirtiest jobs. Help find books and check out.
11:00-11:30 Gave 7th talk on rights and what the constitution means in the US compared to other countries. Read a mock trial and gave out evidence exhibits to determine the verdict. Discussed.
11:30-12:00 8th graded discussed going green and alternative forms of renewable energy. Gave book talks on the various books in the library. Assisted finding books for research and checked out.
12:00-12:30 Checked in books and reshelved books. Cleaned up library shelves.

Wednesday, July 7, Bullen Middle School

7:30-8:00 Read book reviews in professional journals and made recommendations for Diane.
8:00-8:30 Continued to read book reviews.
8:30-9:00 Helped 7th grade class find books and check out. Taught a few students how to use the online catalog.
9:00-9:30 Helped 6th grade class find books and check out. Straighten and shelved books
9:30-10:00 Helped 8th grade class find books and check out. Taught a few students how to use the online catalog
10:00-10:30 Discussed with Diane her collection and how she decides on purchases especially graphic novels.
10:30-11:00 Helped 7th grade class find books and check out. Taught a few students how to use the online catalog
11:00-11:30 Helped 6th grade class find books and check out. Taught a few students how to use the online catalog
11:30-12:00 Helped 8th grade class find books and check out. Taught a few students how to use the online catalog
12:00-12:30 Organized the shelves and shelved books.

Tuesday, July 6 Tremper High School

7:30-8:00 Read over 2nd semester lesson plans from spring of 2010 and filed by teacher. Ruth keeps a file for each teacher and saves all their lessons for future reference.
8:00-8:30 Moved professional manuals to a different part of the library to make room for the expanded fiction section. The district is going with a vendor’s cataloging this year and short stories will no longer be a category to catalog with. Therefore all short stories now are shelved with fiction.
8:30-9:00 Assisted a health class with finding resources for their issue .
9:00-9:30 Continued moving the fiction section.
9:30-10:00 Went over the high school periodical collection and organized the magazines.
10:00-10:30 Read book reviews in professional journals circling recommendations for Ruth.
10:30-11:00 Assisted a class find online resources for controversial issues such as abortion. Ruth showed them Opposing viewpoints
11:00-11:30 Assisted another class find online resources for controversial issues.
11:30-12:00 Prepared periodicals for shelving.
12:00-12:30 Went over state standards for information literacy with Ruth.

Prewrite for secondary practicum

In a high school library I believe there is less contact with students as a class and more one on one activity. The librarian helps more with technical issues and helping students find the proper resources. He probably introduces freshman to the workings of the library in the beginning of the year, but after that works with classes only for special research projects.

There is not a set schedule of classes so the day is far more flexible which could pose a big problem. I fear there is a great deal of behind the scenes duties and less teaching. Allotting time to get everything done is also going to be a major task. Since the collection is so much larger than an elementary school greater time will be dedicated to book selection. With more books comes the responsibility of more time being given to processing and the repair of books.

Shelving of the books is going to take a large chunk of the day and I doubt there are many parent volunteers to help. Although with a full time assistant it may be more her job. The circulation has got to be huge with over 2,000 students so I imagine it is just a constant cycle throughout the day. Maybe students help with shelving?

The high school librarian has to do a lot of locating resources for the teachers as their class loads are heavy and the library is large. He probably spends as much time helping and working with teachers as she does with the students. Also there has got to be a lot of paper work like creating manuals and keeping track of the library statistics. High school students are much more self sufficient than elementary so the librarian needs to keep in constant circulation to be available to those who do need help and to make sure they are following proper citation and research procedure, not actually teaching classes on how to do it.

Compare Pre and Post Write Elementary Experience

The realities of the library media position and my prewriting experience were not too far off track. I feel I assimilated well into the position having such a strong background in technology, stronger actually than the job requires. That was a bit disappointing as I would like to move forward more with technology, however if the hardware is not available, my hands are tied.

One of the most surprising aspects was the lack of knowledge the rest of the faculty had about the standards and benchmark of information literacy. Many of the teachers acted as if library was an option and would not bring their students to class. It was a struggle to get some to see that we can collaborate and use the core subject material for library lessons. Hopefully next year I will not face those obsticles and it is my goal to have 80% if not 100% of all lessons be core subject.

The Super 3 and Big 6 were new to me so I will feel much more comfortable and use the terminology and models far more this new year. I was a bit hesitant to use them and I am rather surprised that throughout my masters and the 902 certification more was not done with them. I think they are great models that should be used more in these programs. By the end of the year I was more comfortable and referred to them often.

The library media position is a lot of work, however I was prepared for it and think I handled it well. I plan to record my story telling and some of my lessons for next year as teaching 6 50 minute session each day can wear me down and I tend to lose my voice by Wednesday. I would also like to set up tutorials and post them on my library wiki to use in lessons.

Thursday, June 24th, Mahone Middle school.

7:30-8:00 I met Carol the regular librarian and her assistant and the school secretary who fills in in the library during the first 2 weeks of summer school to help repair books. This library is very large and new. It has a small, 12 computer lab in one corner. There is a large second story atrium which allows a great deal of natural sunlight through its large glass panes. The office space is very large and houses the school’s laminator. Went over rules and policies.

8:00-8:30 Toured the library. Learned that much of the storage space has been taken over by the school and one of the 2 bathrooms in the library will be used next year for a special needs student.

8:30-9:00 6th grade reading class came in for a tour. Discussed policies and procedures. Introduced myself and used the computers to access the online catalog, and databases for information on earthquakes. Helped students find books and checkout.
9:00-9:30 7th grade reading class came in for a tour. Discussed policies and procedures. Introduced myself and used the computers to access the online catalog, and databases for information on volcanoes. Helped students find books and checkout.
10:00-10:30 8th grade reading class came in for a tour. Discussed policies and procedures. Introduced myself and used the computers to access the online catalog, and databases for information on tornadoes. Helped students find books and checkout.

10:30-11:00 6th grader reading class came in for a tour. Discussed policies and procedures. Introduced myself and used the computers to access the online catalog, and databases for information on earthquakes. Helped students find books and checkout.

11:00-11:30 7th grader reading class came in for a tour. Discussed policies and procedures. Introduced myself and used the computers to access the online catalog, and databases for information on volcanoes. Helped students find books and checkout.

11:30-12:00 8th grader reading class came in for a tour. Discussed policies and procedures. Introduced myself and used the computers to access the online catalog, and databases for information on tornadoes. Helped students find books and checkout.

12:00-12:30 Read and straightened shelves.

Wednesday June 23, Bullen Middle School

7:30-8 Diane Hilbrink the regular librarian for this middle school, and the assistant greeted me and gave me a tour of the library. the computer lab is in the middle of the library surrounded by books. there are 30 desktop iMac computers and a Promethean board. It is an older library much smaller than many of the newer school libraries. The office space is very small and piles high with school store items.

8-8:30 A 6th grader reading class were introduced to the library. It was nice to see some familiar faces from my school. I helped the students select books and check out.

8:30-9 Read shelves in the non fiction section and straightened shelves.

9:00-9:30 A 7th grade reading class were brought in and the rules were gone over. I introduced myself, helped them find books and check out.

9:30-10:00 Diane and I went over the library media teacher job description. She went over the normal school year schedule and use of the library, policies and procedures.

10:00-10:30 A 6th grader reading class were introduced to the library. It was nice to see some familiar faces from my school. I helped the students select books and check out.

10:30-11:00 I toured the school and met some of the summer school office staff.

11:00-11:30 An 8th grade reading class were brought in and the rules were gone over. I introduced myself, helped them find books and check out.

11:30-12:30 Read shelves in the non fiction section and straightened shelves.