Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Problems with Technology and Schools

Teacher Competency and Comfort Level
If the directives from the administration were concise and provided a follow through method of implementation all teachers would understand where they should be with technology. Teacher evaluations, job descriptions, and requirements should clearly state and enforce these expectations. There needs to be a plan of execution so that teachers are given ample time and opportunity to meet these challenges. If the teacher chooses not to follow through then disciplinary action must be taken. These methods prove successful in the licensing of teachers and need to be implemented so that all schools can offer their students the best advantage to learning with technology.

What Training and Resources are available?
Having a technology coordinator either on the district level or individual school level would give access to the teachers a host of valuable resources available. CESA #1, here in the Milwaukee area, provides ongoing training and guidance to schools in the area of technology. If teachers were aware and offered these courses either onsite or at convenient locations they would be more likely to attend them. There needs to be incentives offered that make the extra work worth their investment. Paid training, pay raises, in-service days, continuing education credit are some ways to entice teachers to comply.

Administrative support - who has the final answer? District admin/principal/curric direct/school board
This area of responsibility needs to be address. On a state level an outline needs to be written of where the responsibility lies. Who is to make these decisions? How will the level of competency be addressed and evaluated? When technology first entered the education scene there were many directives handed down. But the follow through has been lacking. Technology plans are approved but then there are no checks and balances to prove its implementation. Unless the expectations come from the top, nothing will be done to improve technology in schools.

What are the expectations of the teachers and the technology coordinator?
After our school merged with 5 other schools I wrote up a list of responsibilities for the teachers and technology coordinator. Each building had been doing technology in vastly different ways. To say the least I was not and still am not a favorite among this staff. I expect the teachers to be involved in technology. I expect them to know the software, how to use the lab, how to use the computers in their classrooms and how to integrate technology into the curriculum. They have other ideas. It has been a struggle getting them into the lab and collaborating with me on lessons. Some teachers are great and love to work with me on lessons and it makes for a wonderful experience for all involved. It definitely makes a positive impact on the students’ abilities. I am still climbing that mountain to reach the goal of being completely technology integrated. Each baby step, each time a teacher collaborates with me, every time they are able to use the software themselves, we get closer to that goal.

Do we have the funds? Is it budgeted?
The technology plans states that we are to allot X amount of dollars for technology each year. The money is to come from home and school fundraising. Since the merger, I have yet to see that happen. I am not sure where that money is going, but prior to the merger I was careful with using the technology money. I left $8,000.00 in the account so I would have something to work with after the merger. I should have spent the money. The first time I asked to buy something, I was told I had no budget and no money. It has been challenging. This is our 4th year and I am now demanding things we can no longer do without. I am open to ideas and suggestions on how to keep our technology program going!


BILL-BOARD said...

Good luck with the budget fights! Great responses to the issues. Unfortunate you have had so many negative experiences. Chin up!

CEdu 510 said...

Patty,would your school agree to implementing a technology fee per student/school year? Could be small amount that adds up.