Tuesday, November 27, 2007

DabbleDabbleDabble Database

The database website we went to was DabbleDB. The database activity in class was quite complex. But I can see its usefulness for large-scale operations. It is good to know this type of service is available on the Internet. Dabble is a prepared database that one can plug the information into and it does most of the work. It can handle a lot of data if one chooses to pay for the upgrade. The site gives the user a basic spreadsheet for free, but is limited so if it was truly put to use, the upgrade would be a must. The spreadsheet we used Wednesday night in class was already loaded with information. We had to resort the information in a variety of formats, add to, and change the information. It gave us a good sample of what a spreadsheet can do and how to do it. I felt the lesson was a bit overwhelming for first time database users, but I am experienced so I was able to follow along even though my log in gave me trouble again.

Databases are used every day in our society and help keep the world running smoothly. I like to use common analogies with my students to prove to them how databases are prevalent in their lives. My favorite example is restaurant birthday clubs. Sign up for the free birthday meal and within weeks the mailbox is overflowing with junk mail trying to sell to the student’s age group. I use spreadsheets in my classroom, but I have the students design them so they understand them from the ground up.

I have the kids do statistics on presidents, states, their classmates (that’s a fun one), weather, sports teams, and anything else that is relevant in their lives and fun to keep track of. After they have designed the fields I have them gather the information, usually from the Internet, but sometimes from each other. Then we spend time sorting and putting the information into spreadsheet, which leads into graphing.

1 comment:

BILL-BOARD said...

Some great uses for Dabble!