Saturday, November 3, 2007

Best Internet Search Practices

Wednesday night's class was once again filled with lots of useful information. I can't wait to get back to the lab to teach these wonderful search tools to my student. Although I am familiar with some of the techniques, I was pleasantly surprised at the majority of information presented. I find the charts helpful for easily comparing what techniques can be used on which sites.

Viewing and comparing the other search engines opened my eyes to many features I did not know existed in cyberspace. is a site I will definitely share with our teachers. I think I will make a poster of it for my lab, as the chart is simple enough to understand, even for 4th grade students.


BILL-BOARD said...

I often have the same motivation as you to take this info back to the classroom. I really think these activities are helping me develop my curriculum further and making me a better teacher.

CEdu 510 said... is great site. Its great to learn that these resources are helpful to you, your students, your colleagues - immediately.