Thursday, February 21, 2008

PBL-Can We Make It Work?

I am just not having any luck with this blog! I went to edit last week's post (which I didn't get up until last night due to technical difficulties) and it gave me an error message! So please forgive my grammatical errors on the previous post. I really did try to fix them. I sure hope this one posts.

The movie was very insightful and true. But making all those component come together smoothly is a huge challenge! Of course that does not mean we throw in the towel and say "impossible, can't be done". The best course of action is to keep trying, to persevere. That is what I keep telling myself even though many of my fellow teachers would just like to leave technology in the computer lab and not have to deal with it. I have not had a teacher's manual to work from for over 10 years and I have very involved lessons that overflow my file cabinets.

History has proven the home situation and emotional well being of the student are key to success in academics. With the webgrading system we have at school, the communications between home and school have greatly improved. For the parents and teachers that use the system, it has been a wonderful tool for keeping their children on target. When I send notes home, I am happy to see improvement in the students performance the next week. I so wish my own kids had that. I know we have teachers that still don't use it and I hear them complain about their students. If only they would trust technology. But I have offered help and they resist to the point of nastiness, so I back down. I am not the principal, I have no authority, so we all suffer.

I just installed Camino. Let's see if it solves my posting problem.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I just wish more of the parents actually looked at WebGrader (before the last week of the quarter). It seems, unfortunately, that the parents looking at it and the ones that really wouldn't have to... not in all cases, of course. It has really helped me to communicate with some of the parents easily.