Monday, October 29, 2007

Google Docs

What a wonderful tool! This will be so useful to the kids. How versitile to be able to work on their word processing or presentation just about any place there is a computer linked to the Internet. I can't wait to try it out. I would be fun to keep a journal all year this way, or maybe they could use the bog for that. I could have them create iliistrations in the graphic programs and use them in their google docs presentation on scientists, or civil war battles. So many ideas and so little time! I used my goggle docs presentation to review the steps in creating a op art picture in Kid Pix.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

510 Session One

I was happy to see the fun graphics programs on the Internet. I use Kid Pix a lot with the kids and they love it. Now I will have something a bit more sophisticated for my older students to explore. I am anxious to do that because I just covered a unit in optical illusion art and they really enjoyed it. I will find a way to work more graphics into our lessons. I saw Bill make an awesome design with the Mr. Picasso head. I spent most of my time in Queeky as it one of the more basic programs. My drawing looked like it could be very well applied to math and geometry. I would like to collaborate with Lori on a lesson using square footage, spreadsheets and My Drawing. Having the visual for the kids to manipulate would really help them understand the concept of area.

What a class! It was a lot to take in so quickly, but I am learning so much. Every class I leave with new adventures to try with the kids. By the end of the year I will have rewritten most of my lesson plans. I really enjoyed making my presentation in google docs. I had a glitch but was able to work it out. I will definately be sharing that with my kids.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A New Day

Today was quite the busy day. None of the could print to the new first floor copier, the gym computer and the one of the office computers are not getting on the network! And I suppose to find time and teach?! After much trouble shooting I determined the problem lies with the wires to the. The first floor copier and office computer are on the same switch, so there was the key to that interruption in service. Sure enough, as soon as I unplugged the switch all the documents started spitting out. Where were they waiting? Why did it work after I unplugged it? Obviously they were getting past the switch but no to the copier? After exchanging the switch, the office computer was also on the Internet. 75% of the problems were solved, but now I have to deal with the gym network. Frustration is the name of the game.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

First Class

Due to missing the first class, October 17 was actually my first class in this master's program. This course of study is what I already do and I look forward to expanding my lessons. I found it very informative and I already feel I have learned some useful techniques that I can share with my students. The google calendar will be very helpful for both home and school. I can't wait to share it with my principal. I think both teachers and parents would find the posting of events and details a great tool for scheduling. I come from a very large close knit family and we are regularly planning events. This calendar tool is going to eliminate the need for the many confusing emails. We will have one interactive place that everyone can go to get the information and sign up for responsibilities. How wonderful it will be for planning this summer's family reunion up at the cabin!

I am enthusiastic about trying moodle for our school as well. I would love to set up a wiki page and I am planning on sharing the google SMS with my students very soon.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Beginning

Trying to integrate technology into the regular classroom can be challenging to say the least and I hope that this master's program is going to smooth my bumpy road. Last Wednesday, October 14, Louis shared with us some interesting technology tools that can be used in the classroom. I must admit that I was bumbling a bit as I was a week behind the others. But since I am the "technology teacher" at my school, I was familiar with some of the applications he introduced us to. I can see the calendar coming in very handy in not only the classroom, but for personal use as well. I already sent it to my principal. I am not sure which I want to tackle first, the moodle or calendar for our school. There just aren't enough hours the day to enjoy it all. I can't wait to show her the wiki site. I can think of a number of uses for this just off the top of my head. That google SMS will come in very handy, especially when I am lost on the road. Any helpful suggestions from my readers would be appreciated. Thanks